Who we are
At Feminist Futures, we envision a world where everyone is free and supported to be and express who they truly are and participate equally in the joy of co-creation.
We believe that every transformation first begins in our expansive imagination. Our mission is to support feminists of diverse walks of life from all around the world to reclaim and re-ignite the power of imagining, often limited by systems of exclusion and oppression.
We hold safe and inclusive spaces, so we can bring our full selves to co-create. We play with futures and foresight methods, so we can access and share our internal worlds with each other. And we expand our dreams and desires way beyond what we already know.
Then, we give them shapes, colours and contours through speculative fictional stories to inspire the world. And the more the collective consciousness is nourished with these dreams and desires, the more irresistible it becomes to transform our collective living reality into feminist futures.

Thays Prado
I'm a storyteller, journalist, screenwriter, and documentary filmmaker with over sixteen years of professional experience. I have a Communications Bachelors degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, and a Professional Screenwriting degree from the UCLA, in the United States.
Almost a decade ago, my deep commitment to women's and girls' rights and gender equality set me on a journey to become a gender specialist, with a Masters in Gender, Media and Culture from the London School of Economics and Political Science. I worked for UN Women at national, regional and global levels, for the BBC Media Action, Women Win, and the Centre for Sport and Human Rights as programme manager and senior gender advisor.
I have run storytelling workshops with hundreds of adolescent girls from historically marginalized communities in Brazil, and women refugees living in temporary reception centres. In my search for tools to help them move beyond retelling trauma and reclaim their power to imagine the future, I stepped into the futures and foresight field.
I found in the combination of feminist principles, storytelling techniques and futures methods a powerful resource to activate people's imaginations and help them envision unknown possibilities of feminist (= intersectional, decolonial, regenerative, just, equal, transformative) futures. And to find pathways that we can start walking together, towards these wonderful futures.